About us
Development of QM Holzheizwerke®
On behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy and some cantons, a QM system for larger wood heating plants was developed by Swiss experts in 1998. After the storm "Lothar" of December 26, 1999, which left devastated forests with firewood for many years, the QM system was prescribed by the federal government and the cantons for larger subsidized wood heating plants and continuously developed under the name QM Holzheizwerke®.
In Switzerland, QM for Biomass District Heating Plants is represented by Holzenergie Schweiz, a competent wood energy consultant for planners, plant owners, investors, politicians, manufacturers and interested private persons. Holzenergie Schweiz has its headquarters in Zurich as well as a branch office in Echandens and Avegno.
The German states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria as well as Austria were faced with the same problems as Switzerland and soon joined the QM Holzheizwerke® working group. This enabled a further development of the QM system to an effective instrument for the quality assurance of biomass district heating plants by an international group of experts . In the meantime, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Belgium and Japan have also adopted parts of QM Holzheizwerke®. In 2020 Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia) joined the working group as a full member.

Stefan Thalmann
Deputy Head of office QM Biomass DH Plants
Verenum AG

Jürgen Good
Head of office QM Biomass DH Plants
Verenum AG

Harald Thorwarth
Baden-Württemberg: Hochschule für Forstwirtschaft Rottenburg

Christian Ramerstorfer
AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC)

Matteo Mazzolini
APE FVG – Agenzia per l’Energia del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Samuele Giacometti
APE FVG – Agenzia per l’Energia del Friuli Venezia Giulia